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How to Build Blue-Bird Houses
By: Steven Brainard

 Well the first things you have to have to start this project are the safety gear, correct tools, and an ample wood supply. Listed below are the necessary tools needed in the production of blue birdhouses.

You'll need: 
Safety Glasses
Ear Plugs
Skill saw
Tape measure
Table Saw 
Drill Press
Straight edge
Long bit

 These houses are really simple to make and require little to no experience with wood and in fact were my first wood working projects. I recommend with all wood working projects that a rough parts list be made first before starting, just to have a sort of guide to follow during production. Also, the width of the board plays a role as to the dimensions for the build of the bird house and for this project all boards being used are relatively 1" in width, so if you decide to use a width different adjust accordingly. According to the research we have obtained here that a bluebird likes to have about 6" in height and from 4-5" in width and believe me it's not an exact science but gives some dimensions to start with.

 The parts list for this project is as follows:
(1) 5"x 5" piece (base)
(2) 9"x 5" piece (sides)
(2) 9"x 7" pieces (front & back)
(1)11"x 7" piece (roof).

  Remember that when you begin to set up your wood to use in this project to keep a few things in mind. The wood weather it is pine, cedar, oak, whatever does not need to be plained and actually needs not to be so the birds can grab a hold of the wood while entering into the houses. Remember the life of the house varies with what wood you select. Also do not put a stick protruding out of the bird house because this allows predators to "hang-on" thus raiding your bird houses (common mistake), wear safety glasses and ear plugs when operating all equipment, lastly make sure if not done so to "square-off" your boards to ensure even edges along your bird house.

 Now to begin, I usually start with making my base first because you can build around it. Measure off a 5" width on the board and use the table saw if needed. Then mark a 5" length on the board with your straight edge and cut off with the skill saw. You should then have a 5"x 5" to start with.

 Next is to cut your sides, so measure a 5" width again or if your board is long enough to make all 5" pieces do so and makes for a faster operation. Measure 9" length on the board mark and cut. Repeat. So you should have two 9"x 5" pieces and will line up to make the sides of your birdhouse.

 On to the front and back parts of the house. With your 1" width added to both sides of your 5"x 5" base your total base should measure around 7" so hence for the (2) 9"x 7" to fill in your front and back. Using the table saw make the width of your new board at 7". Then measure and mark a 9" cut. Cut. Repeat. Now you should have your front and back pieces ready to go. Do not attach any pieces just yet as to make sure of the fit of the pieces is correct.

 Finally, To make the roof use your 7" stock you cut from before and mark an 11" length and cut. This piece goes to make the roof and will provide and 4-5" overhang to fill out the birdhouse and also keeps predators from being able to reach into the hole your about to make.

 For the hole for your birdhouse we recommend for a bluebird house that a 1-½ inch hole be drilled 6" up from the floor of the house. Keeping in mind that the base is 1" itself, the measure from the bottom of one of the 9"x 7" should be 7". Since the hole needs to go in the middle measure over 4 ½ inches. Using the drill press and a 1 ½" hole- punching bit line up, hold firm, and make your hole. Make sure that the depth is over 1" to ensure a hole is made correctly. If you want a hole not splintered out in the back use a sacrificial piece of wood, but believe me I don't think the birds care.

 Now for assembly! Getting to watch your house come together is worth all your hard work. Line up your base with one of your sides and get ready to nail.  To keep the other end steady use the other side that you have to stabilize the piece. I recommend 3 finishing nails; middle, left, and right. Use your nail punch to ensure strong joints. Repeat on other side.  Should look something like this….

[]        []
[]        []
[]        []

 Next, attach your first 9"x 7" piece to the back. Make sure it's square with your fingers at the edges and nail it firm using about 7 or so nails. Punch. Repeat process on front and now your birdhouse should be really looking like a home for a bird. Like this….


 Lastly, attachment of the roof. Line up the edges again with your fingers and using about 6-8 nails finish 'er off. Punch the nails and the house should be together. The last step is to make your ventilation holes using your drill and a long bit. I usually put five holes in the bottom and four on the sides, but whatever provides some air will do. Now you should have you one fine looking home for the beautiful bluebird!

Placement and Attachment…

 Now that you have a house, how to attach it to a tree? Well what I do is get two metal hose clamps straighten them out and equip them to the top of your house. We recommend that a bluebird house be hung approx. 10-12 feet in a tree and set to be facing east. For tree selection let them kind of choose themselves and keep in mind the line of sight you want from a location like your house or garden.

 Finally, Enjoy yourself and learn. When I first started wood working this was a great beginner project and I honed my skills while providing nature with a habitat. I recommend for a person starting, to build a few and you can see your skill grow and the reward is when spring hits with amazing flashes of blue in the air where ever you go!

The following article was written by our son, who made his first foray in woodworking.
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