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Bumpy Lawn Repair

Bumpy lawns come from any number of reasons. The irregular surface is difficult to mow and will retain too much moisture in the form of puddles. Adding topsoil or sand is a method to remove those bumps and increases the turf's vigor, according to the University of Florida. Filling the low spots on the lawn will take time. Reseeding the lawn is also part of the overall task of removing those bumps.

Topsoil or sand
Garden rake
Grass seed (same species as lawn)
Garden hose with sprinkler

Fill the low spots of the lawn with either a topsoil or sand. Place one shovel full of the material into the area.

Smooth the small mound with the garden rake to less than an inch deep with the garden rake. The low depth of fill material allows the grass under the fill to grow. You can add more material into the low spots, but you must reseed the areas with deeper, greater than an inch, topsoil or sand.

Seed the deeper areas of fill material with the same species of grass as the existing turf. Follow label directions on the seed package for amounts of seed to be applied. Various species of grass will require different amounts of seed.

Rake the freshly laid seed into the material with the tines of the garden rake.

Irrigate the seeded areas with the garden hose and sprinkler. Keep the seed moist until it germinates.

Words to the Wise:
Filling in the low spots of the lawn to remove bumps may take an entire season to perform. Applying too much sand or topsoil to one area of the lawn can kill the grass beneath.