Disclaimer:  All information on this site is for informational purposes only.  Before using any alternative remedy, begin any new exercise routine or otherwise start trying any of the recipes included on these pages, check with your primary health provider.  Many herbs, foods, and exercises can conflict with medications you are taking or have unknown side effects.

All Pages Are
Kat and Kevin Yares

Use of any of these works without written
 is prohibited by law.

Dirty Work
or Getting the Dirt Work Done

Before we could even begin to set up a permanent sawmill, we had to have a bit of dirtwork done on the land.  We needed a road bed laid, tree stumps pulled and a bit of ground leveled.

We knew this work would take heavier machines than we owned, so we called the man with the backhoe.

He looked the place over and agreed to the work.  First though, he would deliver fill dirt to lay in the road.

Truckloads of Dirt

Before Pictures
The day of dirt working arrives and we wake to dreary skies and the threat of rain.  But that doesn't stop us.  Kevin and I are out early, at first light, to take out a couple of trees that are in the way.  We're also cutting what will be our first saw logs.
Ready to start
We were lucky, the rain held off.  By the end of the day, we had a new road, a relatively smooth pad for a workspace, a place for the summer kitchen and a new pond dug for next spring's goats.
Now, we were ready for the rain.  We knew everything would need a good soaking to help it settle.  Little did we know we would have at least a week to wait.

We still had a few weeks before the sawmill would be delivered, so now it was time to get back to research and work on developing a business plan.

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For Rural and City Living