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Kat and Kevin Yares
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Oscar's New Home - Part 3
The next day it was time to finish Oscars new home. We began by laying out the boards for the main deck. Both of us commented that the pine boards were almost too pretty to be used outside for a sawmill deck, but oh well.
It didn't take long to get all the decking nailed into place. It looked good.
Next came the rails. Nothing fancy. The deck was done.
We then cut down two more pine trees and cut them into twenty foot logs. Kevin chose the best two logs and with a drawknife, peeled the bark off. He set those in place as the log loading ramps.
We tested the ramps by loading them with logs cut to 8 foot. Strong enough.
We then set the rails in place and using a four foot level, added aluminum shims where needed to make the entire carriage rail system perfectly level for Oscar the sawmill.
Once everything was level, it was time to call our neighbor again to come down with his trusty tractor and put Oscar in his new home.
Now that Oscar, the sawmill, was in his new home, we were ready for a new day of cutting.
For Rural and City Living