Disclaimer: All information on this site is for informational purposes only. Before using any alternative remedy, begin any new exercise routine or otherwise start trying any of the recipes included on these pages, check with your primary health provider. Many herbs, foods, and exercises can conflict with medications you are taking or have unknown side effects.
For Rural and City Living
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Kat and Kevin Yares
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The new large wood cookstove under construction. All built from items in the scrap yard. The main frame is welded 2-inch diameter thin wall piping. The ends were crushed to form a good welding joint.
Note the corrugated tin on the side wall of the large cookstove. The collected "yard rocks" are simply dry stacked along the sides. All of the heat is radiated to the top aluminum plates also from scrap collection. The interior of the stove can handle 4-foot long slab wood from the sawmill.
The framing is beginning to go up. Here is the old home wood stove converted into an oven. The sides are insulated to retain the heat. We have cooked several turkeys and baked bread inside the enclosure.
Basic log framing using older skip peeled logs about 1-year-old. All of the cut lumber is from older pine logs perhaps a bit too used, a little soft, but fine for a basic outdoor kitchen.
Log frame complete and the old reused tin is in place for the roof.
South side of the outdoor kitchen, note the PVC piping for the gutter. Simply cut two pieces of 4-inch diameter PVC pipe in half with the skil-saw. All of the board and batten siding is older boards from old pine logs. Again - a bit too soft for any thing else other than this project.
All in all the structure has worked out wonderfully; we have added water from the pump house, electrical outlets and lighting.