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Instant and Non-Instant Dry Milk

There are two types of dry milk - instant and non-instant and both have plusses and minuses. If your family uses very little milk, one or the other of these dry milk powders may be a more cost-effective solution for you as you only need to mix up the milk you need at the moment. No more throwing out sour milk from the refrigerator.

Instant Dry Milk

Instant dry milk is available at most grocery stores under a variety of different brands, such as Carnation or Pet. It is simple to mix up and can be used as a substitute in for low-fat milk both for drinking and for cooking. While it is called instant dry milk powder, the actual product resembles small flakes, making it easy to dissolve in water. Follow the package instructions for the amount of instant dry milk to add to water. Use a whisk to stir and you're set to go.

Non-Instant Dry Milk

Non-instant dry milk is a true powder. You will rarely find it at the corner grocery; instead, you may need to look at the health food store or online. Non-instant takes a bit more work also as it tends to clump when mixed with water.  You will need to whisk the powder into the water very briskly in order to get it to fully dissolve without lumps. An easier method is to use a blender to mix the milk and water. Non-instant, once reconstituted, tastes a bit more like low-fat milk purchased fresh.

A Few Things to Consider

Check prices carefully on the box or package you are going to buy, especially if you plan to use the powdered milk in large quantities. Sometimes, buying fresh can be much cheaper than powdered.

Always keep powdered milk, both instant and non-instant, in a cool dry container. Once you open the can or box, repackage the remaining milk powder to keep it dry. Powdered milk will absorb moisture from the air in your kitchen, making it turn rancid in a very short time.