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Pressure Gauges

Pressure gauges on well water systems aid in the overall operation of the well water pump. The gauge will fluctuate with the pump's cut-in and cut-off pressures. The pressure gauge must be installed as close as possible to the pressure tank and pressure switch for accurate readings of the water system. Like the pressure switch, the closer the gauge is to the holding pressure tank, the accuracy of the system pressure can be fully observed.

Typically water pressure gauges range from 0 PSI up to 80 PSI. The normal gauge movement will be 20 to 40 PSI for low-pressure systems and 30 to 50 PSI for high-pressure systems.

Installing a new pressure gauge is a straightforward task of shutting off the electrical power. Drain the water system of all pressure. Locate the 1/4-inch pipe plug plumbing fitting. Generally located on the top-side of the pressure tank or on the brass manifold of the pressure tank. Remove the square neck plug with the jaws of a crescent wrench.

Wrap the male threads of the pressure gauge with a few rounds of Teflon tape. Start the male threads into the female plumbing threads by hand in a clockwise direction. Fit the jaws of the wrench under the gauge dial face over the square brass fitting. Tighten the gauge so it faces outward, towards you, for easy observation. Attempt not to loosen the gauge if you turn it too far. Loosening any plumbing fitting will cause the threads to leak.

Close any opened drain valves. Re-apply electrical power. Allow the system to build water pressure and observe that pressure by reading the gauge dial face.