Disclaimer:  All information on this site is for informational purposes only.  Before using any alternative remedy, begin any new exercise routine or otherwise start trying any of the recipes included on these pages, check with your primary health provider.  Many herbs, foods, and exercises can conflict with medications you are taking or have unknown side effects.

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Kat and Kevin Yares

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Growing Wheat Sprouts

Wheat sprouts are an easy way to add nutrition to sandwiches, salads, soups and even your morning cereal. Simple to make, they can be ready in 4 to 7 days and used fresh or dried for grinding into flour. Just like other sprouts, you don't need any fancy equipment to begin growing your own food, even on this small scale.

Equipment Needed

You will need a one quart, wide-mouthed Mason jar and an appropriate sized canning ring. You'll also need a square of cheesecloth or other lightly woven material large enough to cover the opening of the jar. In addition, yes, you'll need one to two tablespoons of wheat berries. When you buy these, make sure, you purchase them from a health food store and they are labeled 'for sprouting'.

Sprouting the Berries

Measure out one to two tablespoons of wheat berries into the bottom of the Mason jar. Fill the jar with water and set aside, allowing the berries to soak overnight. Cover the jar with cheesecloth and secure in place using a canning ring. Drain the existing water off the berries and then rinse with clear, cold water. Drain off as much water as possible from the berries.

Rinse and drain the berries twice a day until the wheat spouts are approximately one inch long. Rinse and drain a final time and store in a closed container in the refrigerator until needed.

Drying the Sprouts for Grinding

Spread the sprouts onto baking sheets in an even layer.  Pre-heat the oven to 170 degrees. Place the baking sheets in the oven for one hour or more, stirring the sprouts at the half way point. When the dried sprouts break easily, they are ready for grinding or storing in an airtight container until needed.