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Kat and Kevin Yares

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Protect Fruit Tree Trunks in Winter

White-plastic spiral mouse-guard protects fruit trees from winter injury. The plastic guard is readily available from home center stores and plant nurseries. When properly installed, the spiral wrap protects the tree trunk from mice and rabbits chewing on the bark. The installation of the guard is part of an annual maintenance to the fruit trees in preparation for the winter season.

Leaf rake
Spiral plastic mouse guards

Remove all plant materials from the base of the fruit tree with the leaf rake. This includes all errant weeds and mulch. Make a clear area of at least 4 to 5 inches around the trunk.
Move the organic material to a compost pile that is located away from the fruit tree orchard.

Open the lower end of the guard and twist it around the base of the tree trunk.

Continue to wrap the tree until the upper end of the guard encircles the trunk. The lower end of the plastic guard must reside against the soil. If possible, immerse the plastic guard 2 to 3 inches into the soil around the base of the tree.

Extend the top of the plastic guard 18 to 24 inches above anticipated snow levels for your area.

Remove the plastic guard every spring after snowmelt has occurred or buds begin to swell.

Words to the Wise:
You can also protect the tender trunks of young fruit trees by wrapping it with a 1/8-inch wire mesh. Extend the mesh 2 to 3 inches below the soil line. Extend the top of the mesh 18 to 24 inches above the anticipated snow level if applicable. The wire mesh does not have to be removed every spring.