Disclaimer:  All information on this site is for informational purposes only.  Before using any alternative remedy, begin any new exercise routine or otherwise start trying any of the recipes included on these pages, check with your primary health provider.  Many herbs, foods, and exercises can conflict with medications you are taking or have unknown side effects.

Web Backwoods Living
For Rural and City Living
All Pages Are
Kat and Kevin Yares

Use of any of these works without written
 is prohibited by law.

Ramen Noodle Frittata

Basic Noodle Recipe

Substituting Dehydrated Vegetables for Fresh

Cooking Deer (Venison) Meat

Pulled Pork

Hard Boiled Eggs

Homemade Pizza Dough - Our Favorite Way

Venison Tips & Noodles

Buck & Bourbon Stew

Backstrap Steak

Perfect Chicken Livers

Food from Elderberries

Quickie Candy

Tuna & Noodle

Brownies With Fudge

Make Some Baileys

Cook a Turkey Breast

Using Spring Roll Skins

Using Smoking Wood Chips

Making Butter

Baking in Tin Cans

Deep Fry a Turkey

Simple Homemade BBQ Sauce

Making Sourdough Starter

Roaster Oven: Cooking Chicken for a Crowd

Spaghetti Sauce for a Crowd

Growing Wheat Sprouts

Roasting Meats

Correcting Soup That Is to Spicy

Making Soft Tofu Firm

Removing Silverskin from Meats

Shrimp and Scallops in Garlic Butter Sauce

Cooking Spaghetti for a Crowd

Fast and Simple Recipes to Feed Your Family.